I never thought first hand interaction with harmless characters like Mickey Mouse could be so devastating. After first two days of Disneyland I started getting dirty dreams about cartoon characters. I almost decided to spend more time with Jenna Jameson in hotel room for adult only entertainment. Trust me, a visit to Disneyland could actually get you addicted to cheesy HBO movies in hotel room.
The capitalism in land of plenitude is blatant and some times terrifying. Every theme park we went to had shows which had exits in the shop. The general idea being as you exist watching Buzz Lightyear show, you would want to buy a plastic image of him. A compelling set of consumers a.k.a Children, and lot of "Made in China" cheap plastic toys ensure that you have to buy one more bag on your return journey. This disease is spread throughout the theme park world as we know it. The Universal was same and so was the Kennedy Space Center. I would imagine some of these theme parks may actually would have their sustenance dependent on this kind of tourist business.
After 5 days of visiting everybody from Mickey Mouse to Shamu the killer whale, I no longer have a desire to be entertained. I have stopped watching TV, I barely read the newspaper, I did not linger on Jenna Jameson's official website. I think I am almost close to becoming a workaholic person again.
In all fairness, I could still live with horror dreams about work place (what's worse that could happen? printer eating people?) than nightmares about theme parks (yes, imagine Mickey Mouse eating tourists sitting on one of those crazy roller coasters... Arghhhhhhhhhh!)